What neighborhood should I move to in Loveland Co?
Thinking of moving to Loveland, Colorado? You’ve made the right choice! It’s best in the west! Top rated Loveland neighborhoods. Bonnell West, Marianna Butte,....

What Matters Most? Why Location Trumps Everything!
Take a lesson from that old real estate adage “location, location, location.” Many seasoned homeowners will tell you that the size of your home and the amount of space ....

Does Size Really Matter?
Now that you’re embarking on home ownership, you might wonder how large a space you actually need. After all, apartments tend to be a bit smaller than the average home and th....

Home Loans Especially for College Grads
With outstanding student loan debt topping $1.2 trillion, and more than 40 million borrowers carrying student loan debt, the age of first-time homebuyers is edging upwards. Among m....

Futuristic Kitchen Upgrades
A recent display at the Saloni design fair in Milan, Italy, featured parts of Concept Kitchen 2025, a collaboration between IKEA, the IDEO design firm and Swedish design students. ....

Should I Haggle Over the Price?
Buying a home, especially for the first time, is emotional. You’ve saved and scrimped for months—years even—and now you’ve found the home of your dreams. You’....